Friday, December 30, 2011

"TAKE" 9?

How many pictures does it take to get "the" family picture.....

Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

Take 4

Almost! Take 5

Not yet...Take 6

So close! Take 7

This is a keeper!!

Or this!

Hey 2 out of 9? We are improving!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Its the most wonderful time of the year!

" First we'll make snow angels for two hours, 
then we'll go ice skating, 
then we'll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse Cookiedough as fast as we can, 
and then we'll snuggle. "

I know its only Dec 12th but it feels like Christmas is literally just around the corner! It has been an eventful/amazing couple of weeks! We started by getting our tree at the May-Lan Tree Plantation (so much fun) Thanksgiving Day.
And then of course proceeded by turning our house into a Winter-wonderland!! (Is there any other way??)
With a little help from Logan the tree is complete with the star :o)
We attempted visiting Santa at the mall (not the fondest experience) It felt like we were herded like cattle through a line and then transitioned into a scene from the Christmas Story.....Santa was nice yet seemed like he was tired of kids and was ready to be home...he said he couldn't hear out of his Left ear because of all the the kids screaming through out the day. They snapped 2 horrible pictures that they then wanted us to pay $25 dollars thank you! 
As silly as it sounds I was on a search for something we could make into a tradition for Logan (can you tell im about about traditions :o) This trip was not the tradition for us. Oh I forgot to inform you Logan waved to Santa and said "Hey Tanta" from a distance....may I reiterate DISTANCE! As soon as we approached his "workshop" Logan had the death grip around my arm....almost as tightly as he holds his sippy cup as if he was  running for a touchdown (picture painted??) Needless to say we just opted for the sitting in front of Santa where he was able to check him out from a distance. 
Last night was much better. We decided to try it one more time with a different Santa and had a much better experience.  He still wanted NOTHING to do with sitting on the overly happy ho ho ho ho-ing big guy in a red suit's lap! (can you blame him??) However this Santa was so friendly from the start. I think his eyes may have actually twinkled :o) 
Drew being the awesome daddy that he was stepped up to the plate to show Logan that Santa was an OKAY guy! 
He made sure Drew had been good since last year....
He even sat on Santa's lap....

And then we tried....FAIL!
Oh well! He was willing to sit with mommy and daddy and have Santa sitting behind us!
After we sat with him we sat to the side and just let him "observe" Santa at work. He saw other kiddos sit with Santa and he seemed intrigued. By the time we left he waved bye and said "bye Tanta" 
Success in my opinion! Its all about exposing them to new things :o)
Following visiting Santa we went for a Horse Driven Carriage Ride through Fountain Inn to see all the Christmas  was a HUGE success! He was more excited about the horse than Santa (makes sense!) 
We bundled him up as we did ourselves...and went for a ride.
"Hi Horsey", "Hi Lights" "Hi Horsey" etc 
We even got a couple of gasps and ooooohs when he saw all the lights-- it melted my heart to see him in such amazement of everything the night had to offer!

Search of new tradition...SUCCESS!

Our horses name was "Jake" and he was from Charleston :o)

We have also enjoyed our "Elf on a Shelf." We got him as a gift last year so we figured....why not?? I never thought he would pay him as much attention to it as he has. When we ask, "Where is buddy?" He will go to where he was the day before. When he realizes hes not there anymore he says "Where de doh?" and then will run through the house saying....budddyyyyyy? budddyyyyy? and then he finds him. Needless to say we are having fun :o)

All and all I would say its been a successful couple of weeks. Its like having Logan brings back the kid in us all :o) 


7 days 'till Snowshoe
13 days till Christmas!

Friday, December 9, 2011

ELMO's World!

So from the first year Drew and I started dating (10 years ago) we started a tradition of buying each other an ornament each year...most of them tend to be symbolic of the year so as we decorate our tree each year we also take trips down memory lane. So now Logan has been added to that tradition and I felt it only appropriate to get  him an ELMO ornament. This year has been a year of ELMO's world. His first best friend :o)  
So then the question or make? Well you know me ...if we are going for sentimental might as well do it right...right?? Right! 

PROJECT! Boy are they accumulating!!


As always will post the final product! Kinda excited about this one....he's guaranteed to LOVE it! 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Operation DE-clutter!!

Thank you for the motivation::

Great tips to de-clutter.

Im soooo tired of paper clutter in the Brashier household. I spend the night unsubscribing to all my "junk emails" and found a website through to unsubscribe to all the junk MAIL that accumulates on our counters!
Oh credit card companies....if only you would save your money on cutting down 2439874398724 trees to send me JUNK mail EVERYDAY you wouldn't have to charge your loyal customers who actually want your credit cards 78% interest! If someone WANTS a credit card they will find a way to contact me! Ok that is my rant of the day....just a thought!

Here is my first attempt at organizing the paper clutter that I can't throw away.....

Hey the journey of a mile begins with one step! or something like that!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Orange you glad I didn't say Banana!

Yep this kid ate FOUR oranges tonight (well clementines)!
He's a fruitaholic! 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Photo Card

Initially Snowflake Christmas
Personalize your holiday card this Christmas with Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Logan's Table (Update)

Consignment table and AMAZING benches handmade by Drew's Dad!

Can't wait to finish it! We  Drew's Dad shortened the legs of the table so Logan can stand at the table and play (since he doesn't sit much lately)  Then he also has benches that can be converted into the "kids table" when the kiddos come over!

Will post the final product when its under the tree :o)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gradient Mapping

You know the saying you learn something new everyday??
This is what I learned how to do today....
With a combination of an adorable baby, internet/tutorial, editing software, and the desire to learn you get a PRICELESS PICTURE
What a difference between the default setting and learning to do it manually!

(Logan 12 months)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Its POTTY Time!

Yep its that time! But don't get me wrong....we are in NO RUSH! I truly believe you can't FORCE potty training. It has to be on the child's time! If you force it you are only making it hard on yourself, stressful for the child and a LONGER process. I have read plenty of "baby center" articles and whatnot trying to determine when to start potty training. The highlights were as follows:

Physical signs

Can walk and run steadily. CHECK!
Urinates a fair amount at one time. Somewhat
Has regular, well-formed bowel movements at relatively predictable times. Most of the time
Has "dry" periods of at least three or four hours, which shows that her bladder muscles are developed enough to hold urine. This is gradually improving! (and this will be the KEY to actually start potty training)

Behavioral signs

Can sit down quietly in one position for two to five minutes. This one may NEVER happen LOL!
Can pull her pants up and down. Nope
Dislikes the feeling of wearing a wet or dirty diaper. I wouldn't say he dislikes wearing it but he is now able to acknowledge what his diaper is and where it is!
Shows interest in others' bathroom habits (wants to watch you go to the bathroom or wear underwear). He doesn't really show interest but he will sit on the potty when you sit on the potty.
Gives a physical or verbal sign when she's having a bowel movement such as grunting, squatting, or telling you. Oh the grunting....CHECK!
Demonstrates a desire for independence. Doesn't every toddler?!?!?!
Takes pride in her accomplishments. He's a very prideful baby!!! This is where our potty training story begins (To be continued)
Isn't resistant to learning to use the toilet. This is where we base our progression with potty training....if he resists anything about it we don't push it! He is in charge at the moment!
Is in a generally cooperative stage, not a negative or contrary one. In the past week or so I've noticed a big difference with this in a positive way. If we ask him to do something he does it if not with the first attempt at least the second or GRATEFUL for this stage!!!

Cognitive signs

Can follow simple instructions, such as "go get the toy." CHECK!
Understands the value of putting things where they belong. CHECK!
Has words for urine and stool. "wet" and "poo poo"    ... I know I know...Original!
Understands the physical signals that mean she has to go and can tell you before it happens or even hold it until she has time to get to the potty. Ha!!

So as you can see we have a long way to go! But here is some progress that we have made in the past 3 months.....

The biggest battle (so far) was convincing Logan to actually sit on his (soccer) potty :o) Success came with alot of song and dance and actual demonstration on my part! The things we do for our kids!!! Once he actually sat on it once (for about  1/8 of a second) I made the biggest deal about it! you would think he had actually used the potty. So after that he was SOOO excited and proud of himself I think he went and sat on it 10 more times. FULLY clothed of course!! 

Here is a home video clip:

So this process has continued for the past 3 months - Like I said....a slow unforced process! 
In my opinion as long as he sees the POTTY as "fun" we still have a chance!

The past month or so we have made it a point to talk about his diaper, or when he is wet, or when he stinks. Us: "Logan you stink, do you need a diaper?" Logan: "I stink!"
Or "Logan are you wet?" with this one Logan proceeds to grab his diaper as if he is checking!

Just this past week Logan has learned the word "YES"! My FAVORITIST word yet!!! And he actually seems to understand what it means. 
So now all of a sudden when we say Logan do you need to potty? He says YES!!! and runs to the potty! ---Okay people this is a BIG deal!!! 

So although he is not yet accurate in telling us when he is wet or dirty, he will tell us YES to wanting to go to the potty! To me this is a great step! 

Like I said I do not feel you can FORCE potty training! A toddler is either ready or he/she isn't. Forcing can only delay the process. So we embrace any interest towards it and if he is hesitant with any aspect of it we back off. HE will let US know when he is ready. His school will also start encouraging the potty training when he moves up to the 2 year old room. 

I also just made a purchase for Christmas since he LOOOOVES Elmo.....

Youtube this....they actually have a song that goes with it....logan LOVES it! Thank you ELMO!!

Excuse my appearance (got caught in the rain)

The animal books are the key to getting him to sit still long enough!
The next step is getting him to sit without his pants or diaper.....
I'll keep you updated :o)


    Wednesday, November 16, 2011

    Monday, November 14, 2011

    Christmas Present

    My goal WAS to have all my christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving.....FAIL. But I did discover my next project/ christmas present for Logan. What do you get for a kid who has plenty and doesn't "need" anything....well when he has grandparents that are toy crazy you really don't have to get much. So we are getting him a couple things....but we both agreed we wanted to get him a table....(because he sits so much right!!??) however he does enjoy doing crafts at the table at school so maybe he will love a table that is sized just for him. Plus it will be a great table to have for when all the kiddos come over and need a place to sit and eat now that they are all grown up!!!
    So here is my next project/present for logan. Most tables are about $100-$150 at the store but since we have  a woodworker in the family (PAPA) and a crafty momma, why not make him something that is irreplaceable??!! and one of a kind!
    how to make a chalkboard coffee table

    I'll update and post pics of the final product!!! SO EXCITED!!

    Thursday, November 10, 2011

    Eat, Sleep, "Brown Bear"

    No really...all of the above...with "Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See" in hand!
    This morning AFTER sleeping with the book all night!
    Dinner....with book in hand....
    Bath time turned into a meltdown because he realized he couldn't have brown bear in the tub..... caption needed
    And how he has spent the rest of his time.....
    Logan is loving books right now...especially animal books where he can point, name them and imitate their sounds! 

    Other obsessions of the week:
    Wearing his duck slippers to bed
    Apples: they can't be peeled or cut up...he wants the real deal!

    Friday, November 4, 2011

    Back on the Wagon!


    I just had the best run in the longest time!!! Okay okay its my only run in the longest time....approximately 6 months (probably my longest non-running streak EVER) But the second I started running I felt the adrenaline! Why have I waited so long to get back into something I have loved for so long. The piles of laundry, the cooking, the cleaning, being a full time working mom...I guess I let it all become one big excuse. I even gave up the opportunity to run an amazing half marathon with a great friend (GOOD LUCK WILKIE!!) all because I became that person with tons of excuses!
    I finally used my Nike+ that my brother gave me 2 birthdays ago...IN LOVE! It can update your time distance and pace at the touch of a button. And to my knowledge if I read the manual it can adjusts your songs/tempo based on how fast you are running. Kudos to my brother for an awesome purchase!

    So I am going to pick a 5K and get back on a running routine!

    Running stats:
    November 04
    2.17 miles. Run time: 21min  Pace: 10 minute miles

    Saturday, October 29, 2011

    wallpaper the back of shelves
    New Project?

    We bought a entertainment center off of craigslist at least 4 months ago. It looks great in the room with a combination of decorative and storage space. The backing of it is baby blue and the wood is black. Our walls are beige and the room is mainly brown with some accents of orange from the adjoining dining room. Needless to say it clashes horribly but I dread paining each individual square. Hence why it hasn't been touched yet.
    HOWEVER im contemplating finding some FUN wallpaper with some browns and orange to pull the two rooms together and to bring some color to the boring brown room!


    Friday, October 28, 2011

    From Boo and Brew to Boo in the ZOO

    The cutest ELMO ever!
    I can't believe we are trick or treating with our kid! Such an amazing feeling of exposing him to everything! Everything is such an adventure to him and I just adore watching him take it all in!

    October 28, 2011

    Well worth it!!!

    I finally got Logan's First Year album in the mail. It turned out GREAT!!! Such a priceless book of an amazing year! Already started on the next one :o)

    Tuesday, October 25, 2011


    Last week I said goodbye to an AMAZING woman! A very difficult thing to do. I am lucky to have not had to experience much loss in my life, good thing because I am not good at it! But then again who is?!?!
    I will do my best to not ramble but nothing is guaranteed.
    I met Nagebia Joseph when I first started working at Oakmont about 3.5 years ago. This was during my "old people make me nervous" phase. Yes I know I found the ideal job right? That was my thought too until I met GeBe (and soon to meet many more amazing people). GeBe was is one of those amazing patients that you only wish you had the honor of meeting her in her "prime." She is one of the funniest, selfless, demanding, sarcastic person I have met, and will tell you what to do in a heartbeat! She looked out for every other patient on her unit even though she could barely take care of herself.  Before ever asking for something she would always ask "hows my little man??!!" I would sit with her and show her pictures as he grew daily!
    About a month ago was GeBe's birthday. I will never forget the conversation I had with her that day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEBE! I said as I gave her a hug,( after all no one could ever forget she was 95! She reminded us of her age everyday! ) Instead of a smile I saw a tear come to her eye ( I have a feeling GeBe didn't let anyone see her cry often- she was too strong to let anyone see her weak). Therefor this caught me off guard. "GeBe whats wrong" I asked, "this is a happy day!" She followed with, "I just hope I get to meet Logan before I die." To be honest I don't even remember how I responded to this because I was consumed with guilt! I always said it was too far to bring Logan up to work on the weekend so I felt justified that I showed her pictures every now and then. How could I be so selfish?!?! So a week or two passed by and one day I walked by GeBe's room and she was in bed (keep in mind GeBe NEVER stayed in bed- she always had to be in "her spot" at the nurses desk to make sure she knew all the gossip she could see that everyone was doing their job and all the other residents were being taken care of. Well that was the beginning of GeBe's decline. As requested by her family comfort measures were taken from here they ceased her medications and soon was unable to feed herself or swallow her food. This all happened so fast but GeBe was still GeBe. That Friday was one of the hardest Fridays to leave work. I knew it would be my last time seeing her. I sat by herside for about an hour after work that day. She was in and out of sleep and each time she would wake up she would smile her AMAZING smile. I asked her if she wanted me to bring Logan tomorrow and with what energy she had I could see her light up.
    **As I sit here in tears writing this let me just tell you Logan just came over with a baby wipe and handed it to me! Another reason he is the best baby EVER!**
    I left GeBe that day with a hug and a kiss and we exchanged "I love you's." Still not comfortable going home, I clocked out and headed home.
    I had gotten the number of a co-worker that day and Saturday morning I texted her to see how GeBe was doing. She said she was in and out of sleep but still alert and responding to people. So I got Logan ready and we headed to Oakmont. In the back of my mind I knew it was just to ease my mind and that she may not even realize he was there but I had to bring him to her. They were complete strangers to each other but yet her birthday comment was fresh in my thoughts. It was almost like she knew it was almost her time.
    When we got there her Nephew was sitting by her side but unfortunately she hadn't really responded to anyone in the past our of so. Logan was getting restless so we went for a walk and I introduced him to some of my other patients. When we returned to her room I sat next to her and said her name. Her beatiful eyes opened and looked immediately at Logan and she smiled and said "HE's BEAUTIFUL" How I didn't lose it right there I don't know. We stayed about an hour with her as she awoke on and off. As I would rub her leg Logan would lean over and rub her leg to. As we were about to leave she perked up and I told her "We love you" she responded with "love you too" I said Logan blow GeBe a kiss. He leaned over and did just that she smiled as I kissed her forhead and we left.
    I drove home that day with a sense of peace.
    The next week I sat at GeBe's bedside when I arrived at work, before lunch, and before I left to go home. Each day she faded a little bit more but never seemed "out of it" just less alert each day. Thursday morning GeBe "rallied." A phase i've become familiar with as people perk up right before it is their time. She sat up in a gerichair for about 2 hours in "her spot" and got to see everyone, she was alert with her eyes open and even ate a half a bowl of grits. WHile even though I loved seeing her like this I knew what was soon to come.
    The next day was the HARDEST friday to leave work. Normally I jump at the chance to clock out on a friday afternoon and to start my weekend. Today was not the same. GeBe was no longer opening her eyes and responding today, but seemed very at peace and resting comfortably. I sat and talked with her Niece for about 45 minutes and we talked about GeBe and the amazing woman she was. Finally I decided it was time to say what I knew would be my last goodbye to GeBe. I gave her a kiss on the cheek with tears in my eyes and hugged her Niece and said goodbye.
    Saturday morning I got the call that GeBe had passed. I felt at peace that she was able to spend her last days in the comfort of her family and all of the residents and staff that loved her. She was an amazing woman and will never be forgotten in my heart.
    Rest easy GeBe xoxo!

    Wednesday, September 21, 2011


    Do we have been living in our house for 3 years (in December). We purchased it as a foreclosure which had not been lived in for over a year! Even though it was not trashed at all by the previous owners when they went into foreclosure they definitely didn't take care of it....or update it ...AT ALL!
    When we moved in we painted the kitchen (3 times) NOTE TO SELF: beige may not look like the same beige on the little swatch as it does in a whole kitchen with lots of MAY look PINK! FAIL! And brown well brown just didn't look we finally found our match with gray.  Anyways....we painted a room, some more than once until we found the right look. We repainted all the kitchen cabinets from an Oak wood finish to white ( more modern), as well as ALL of the trim in majority of the rooms (NOT FUN!!) Just changing out the paint gave the house a whole new look! Gradually it was becoming our own and definitely updated! Now don't get me wrong the house still has its 30 year old character. Example: we have an attic fan (my yankee self loves this) and on a fall or spring day it is AMAZING! If you are unsure what an attic fan does its a fan in the attic DUH! so when you open the windows it sucks the air out and creates an amazing breeze in the house. (note to self: until we get screens for the windows it also sucks in bugs) Guess I need to add screens to the list! The ceilings also have a "sunburst" texture, now keep in mind I hated this when we first looked at the house but amazingly I would never change it now. Like I said character! Now im just rambling....
    SO anyways! Drew and I have been bitten by the HGTV bug. We stay glued to that channel and constantly take mental notes. However when renovating a home its not as easy as you see on TV- it takes TIME and $$!  Speaking of money I forgot to mention when I was 7 months pregnant we had to replace our roof because we had HUGE leaks! This was a big set back but HAD to have it replaced because we didn't want to risk mold with Logan about to make his appearance...not to mention a problem like that doesn't get better on its own- it only gets worse! So luckily since we got a great deal on the house purchasing it waaaay under what it was worth we instantly had equity in the house and was able to take out an equity loan to get the roof replaced. Did I mention a month later the whole neighborhood liked the idea and had theirs replaced too? Well they did except theirs was covered by their insurance because apparently there was hail damage right after. Everything happens for a reason right?? Havent figured out this one yet though!
    Geez im bad at this. What was the purpose of this blog??? oh yea! HGTV/DIY....
    So Drew and I went to our local lowes and did some window shopping and have come up with a wish list on a reasonable budget. Our next projects are as follows:

    Laundry Room:

    We are in the process of painting the cabinets Black and updating the hardware to silver. The walls will be a deep baby blue ( as in not pastel) and the counter top will be replaced (hopefully from a good find from habitat for humanity. If not it should only be a small cost. We will repaint all the trim a fresh bright white and replace the light fixture (also hopefully a good find from habitat) and install some simple blinds for privacy. The renovation should cost us under $100 and will be well worth it considering I spend a lot of time in that room :o)

    The next renovation will be a semi-incomplete project in our master bath. This bathroom truely needs more work than we want to spend on it right now but we are going to paint the vanity cabinets black (they are the same color wood as the laundry room). Eventually we will need a new shower and some demo is involved in this. Our shower is a standing shower and requires alot of work to even be able to shave my legs so we will be expanding. But this will take some money so we have decided to start with the CHEAP simple projects first. So in our bathroom the vanity will be our quick fix, but once again still worth it and a project that will easily be under $50.

    Now for the backyard! Logan LOVES being outside so we are motivated to get this done by next summer! So far we have taken out approx. 20+ trees and had the stumps grinded. When we started Logan at school and no longer had a nanny we decided to fence in the backyard and get a doggydoor so the boys could come and go as they please and stop marking in the house! Drew just spent a couple days putting together Logans swingset (another future project) that my awesome coworker found from a neighbor that was throwing it away. With a little TLC this swingset the retails new for $500+ will look good as new. Now all we need is some grass!!! I will have to search for some inital pictures but this is the yard halfway through you can imagine what it looked like!!

    Next years goal: Grass and a Garden so I can grow my own fruits and veggies!!!

    Well the list goes on and on but these are the next couple projects for this month...


    Oh and our tax refund will go towards replacing all our windows. They are 30 years old and 30% energy efficient!!!!

    Thanks for reading!

    Monday, August 15, 2011


    Just finished playing a on a 7v7 league! I honestly don't know why ive waited so long to get back on the feel. Maybe its PRIDE. Leave the past in the past. I was so "depressed" when my college career ended. I was left with a "now what" feeling. I have always been an athlete....thats almost what defined me for majority of my life and now it was all over! So I felt I needed to leave soccer behind and have that fresh memory of being a good great goalkeeper! I have been offered to play many times and always have found a way to make an excuse to not be able to play. I think I was always afraid of not being able to live up to my college career and then those mediocre memories would replace the talent. ANYWAYS...I sucked in up and played again. BEST FEELING in a while. Im so glad im playing again. In just 2- 20min halves I feel like I got a piece of me back....not to mention it was like riding a bike! I also got a lot of compliments on my skills and proved myself tonight....who doesn't like that feeling??? However the feeling I will be feeling tomorrow will be SORE!!! My knees, butt, eh EVERYTHING is yelling at me right not as resilient as I was when I was 18! Either way it is totally worth it!!
    Now I just need tod  get Logan on the field :o) he will already put a ball at his feet and say "kick it" and then kick it! Priceless!

    Saturday, August 6, 2011

    A Silent Observer!

    The best part about being a mommy is to take time to just sit and watch. I love watching Logan in his own environment in astonishment at how quickly he learns things. Whether it be from interacting with the dogs, watching baby einstein, playing with his toys, or just testing his boundaries (which is not always a bad thing! - its how they learn!)

    Logan is at a point where he is learning QUICK! So quick its hard for me to keep up with it! He went from signing to babbling to mimicking to talking! Im amazed everyday! Now he will actually follow "commands." He has learned the dog bowls are off limits (he actually walks by them and says "no no no!" If he takes something he shouldnt I'll ask him to put it back and 50% of the time he will....still a work in progress!

    A couple weeks ago I came to the conclusion he was a toddler now and not a BABY! Not only is he not nursing anymore but he moved up classrooms in school and is now in with the toddlers and eating at a table in a miniature chair, and napping on mats and no longer in a crib!. He is still the youngest and smallest but they tell us he holds his own! It seems like every week im going through his clothes and sorting out the clothes that no longer fit anymore and washing the ones he's growing into! I purchased new shoes for him the other day and as I was checking out I looked down at the shoes and they looked HUGE! no more little booties! they are now little boys shoes that he definitely gets wear out of as he plays NONSTOP!
    But the biggest adjustment for me is as he gets older his personality is shinning through! He is such a happy baby toddler and always has been but as he is developing he gets his feelings hurt, he has minni temper tantrums (yes if you take even a piece of paper from him he will stomp his feet and drop to the floor in tears!- and is then over it within seconds), he gets excited when he hears a familiar voice or song, he sleeps great and is almost like  clockwork  when its time for bed or a nap. He interacts with EVERYONE he sees with a friendly "HI" with a big wave and a HUGE smile! His little chuckle can light up the room (I can still remember the first time he smiled INTENTIONALLY)  etc...the list goes on!
    At the end of the day  is still my little BABY! He stops in the middle of playing and come over just to give me a hug (a great feeling) or he will walk over and raise his arms and say "up" and at the end of the day he crawls into my arms to have some cuddle time right before bed! The BEST feeling ever!
    So even though he is growing up waaaay too fast for me he is still my amazing little miracle!

    10 Year Reunion


    So last weekend was our 10 year reunion for the Hilton Head High Class of 2001.....has it really already been 10 years???
    I had an amazing weekend seeing some very close friends that unfortunately live so far away that we don't get to see each other often! It was also great getting nastalgic and seeing some classmates and soccer teammates I haven't seen in 10 years! It was a little awkward at first. I wasn't sure who to hug, who to talk to (you never know--just because you remember them doesn't mean they remember you!)
    By the end of the night it was almost like we were back in highschool (but in a good way) we were all dancing, having some beverages, and having a great time! I look forward to the next reunion!
    Visiting with my highschool best friends (whom I still keep in touch with almost weekly) made me realize what a blessing it is to have close friends that stay by your side even if they are across the country EVEN in other countries!
    Im a very lucky girl!!!

    **Believe it or not! I actually didn't take any pictures at our reunion. Back in December Drews truck was broken into and my "point and shoot" cannon camera was stolen along with alot of other things! So I was not about to bring my SLR camera to a bar! So here are a few pictures I stole off facebook....Im still waiting for shelby to upload her pictures because she caught most of the action!