Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Green Goodness!

So I almost threw up in my mouth when I saw my boss drinking something that looked like a mix between Pea soup and Bile (no exaggeration) 
I think I literally gagged when he asked if I wanted to try it. The curiosity took over and I asked him what was in it. It pretty much is the grown up version of mixing all of the sodas from the fountain drink dispenser-except with fruit and veggies.
I then proceeded with the sniff test. Ya know when you smell the food to see if it is edible.... surprisingly it just smelled like fruit. 
Next Step: risking my lunch and tasting it! I know it sounds dramatic but if you see the drink you will understand. I can't think of another drink that I have had that is GREEN!
Much to my surprise it tasted just like a V8 splash except no filler crap!
And since this Green Goodness has spinach, broccoli, algae, etc I figured it is the perfect way to get some veggies in my little man who won't even touch a green vegetable! 
He absolutely loves it!
 I just haven't let him see the color of the drink :o)

Check out the ingredients of the Green Goodness! Doesn't get better than that! So nutritious! 
Bye Bye apple juice!

Spirulina, Chlorella, GreenTea, Broccoli, Spinach, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Blue Green Algae, Echinacea, Garlic,Jerusalem Artichoke, Lemon Bioflavonoids, Nova Scotia Dulse, Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Folic Acid, Vit A, Vit B4, Vit B12, Vit C


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


April 6, 2012

This is my absolute favorite run and I actually look forward to running it every year! 
It isn't the easiest run considering a mile of it is up a ginormous bridge but there is such a sense of accomplishment when you cross the finish line! Not to mention finishing with THOUSANDS of people!

There are officially 170 days until the Cooper so my goal is to run 170 miles within the 170 countdown!

2 down.....168 to go!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Its that time....

Today is the day! Logan is transitioning from his crib to a big boy bed. 
Logan helping Drew take the crib apart


His big boy room rearranged

Big Boy Bed!

However this bed is temporary until he gets his REAL big boy bed that his Papa is building for Christmas!

Logan's Reaction to Big Boy Bed transition: EXCITED
First Nap in big boy bed: SUCCESS!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Never a dull moment .....

..... when you have a video monitor and you can spy on your kid!!!

We were woken up by Logan this morning yelling "Help me, Help me! Im trapped!"
(Glad the CRIB is serving its purpose)
However! The day is approaching we have been putting off! He proceeded to kick his leg over the rail as if attempting to climb out. I personally think he was acting out his own Diego Episode. He then grabbed the diaper stacker with both hands and started yelling "PULL PULL PULL" 
I finally went in and got him...
(To be continued....)

5 hours later @ naptime!
*        *          *

After our typical naptime routine I read Logan two books and tucked him in. He laid down and told me Goodnight.

Too easy right??? Yep. 
15 minutes later (after silence from his room) I casually checked the video monitor.....
I expected to see my usual passed out baby....NOPE!

I hit the video button and what do I see???
My Neked baby jumping up and down singing "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
(Side note: he was put to bed in a diaper and shorts)

He then proceeds to perform the Downward Dog Yoga pose at the Camera 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

"I saw on Pinterest....."

If you ask my husband most of my sentences lately start with....
"I saw on Pinterest....."

This is how this project started!

If you also ask my husband i'm notorious for starting projects and not finishing them!

But this time I actually took the time...ordered the pictures....picked them up...and completed the project all in the same night! HUGE success people!

First I found this Wall Decor on Clearance at Hobby Lobby for $20. It is all made out of wood so I knew it would be perfect for my Mod Podge Picture Project!

I ordered 3 8x10 prints of pictures we took at the beach this summer and cut them down to size to fit the squares.

Because the picture didn't fit exactly because the pictures weren't wide enough I painted the edges white to fade the picture into the background of the overexposed background. White worked perfectly! It was even more perfect because I already had the acrylic paint :o)
I Mod Podged the wood and the back of the picture and let it dry....

Then I Mod Podged over the top :o/ (The blogger said at this point you will think you ruined your picture---and I'd be lying if I said I didn't, even with the warning)

But it dries clear giving it the perfect touch! 

Now the hardest part is deciding where to hang this 14x40ish masterpiece!

PS this project was EASY!! and only cost $30 total!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Our Notebook

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words  Memories!

I continue to work diligently on our family "YEARBOOK"
I promised myself since I annoy my family with thousands (literally) of pictures have thousands of pictures on my memory cards that will probably just sit there and collect dust that each year I will make a photobook. My plan is to have a shelf full of our family "yearbooks"
Who inspired me to do this? Who else?? LOGAN!
Of course we have our wedding photobook and then I also created a maternity/hospital book. Our first actual yearbook started in April when Logan was born. So I continued from there and this current book will be April 2011- April 2012.
My mom always tells me that if I take all these pictures of Logan I'll have to do the same for the other children...This doesn't pose as a problem to me- Im actually concerned I may have to quit my day job to be able to have time to take and edit all the pics I will want to take when there are more kids :)
What I am concerned about is how am I going to explain to the younger siblings that our Yearbooks are based off of Logan's Birthday :o/ and or how do I change this without creating a gap or overlay???
Decisions Decisions....oh well we have time :o)

Here's a sneak peak!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


We are gradually trying to transition from processed food, hormone/chemically fed/injected meat and dairy to more natural and organic foods! Some people call it Crunchy or Hippie or whatever you want to call it. I call it EXPENSIVE! But there is a reason! If you do some research who wouldn't want to make some changes! ESPECIALLY for our children! There is such an abundance of Cancer popping up everywhere! and not just in the elderly or sick people like it used to be. CHILDREN and Teenagers are getting cancer...and I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't have something to do with what we are eating!
Knowledge is power!

"Depending on what you eat you are either feeding the disease or fighting it!"

Friday, January 27, 2012

And miles to go before I sleep.....

Last night when I registered for the Cooper Bridge Run there were 64 days until the run. So I made it a personal goal to run 64 miles before the 6.2 mile race. Here is my motivation.....

"Miles to Go" and "Miles Completed"

Each rock represents a mile. There are 64 rocks total. This morning I ran 2 miles before work so I moved 2 rocks into the "Miles Completed" jar. My goal is to have all the rocks in the "Miles Completed" jar before March 31, 2012!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

21 months going on 12!

Our little man will be 21 months old Friday! 
Just wanted to brag about how awesome he is!  what he is doing lately:

There is no possible way to list EVERYTHING he is doing but I will do my best!

Logan has just learned he has a name other than "baby" and now speaks in 3rd person (Logan's ball)

He speaks in FULL sentences. Some of his favorites are:
"I want mommy", "Where are you?" "What are you doin?" "I love you" "I want more please" "I got it"  "I'll find it" "There it is" "I get up" "Pants fall down" and my favorite "I hold you Mommy/Daddy"

His favorite shows are:
Elmo and Go Diego Go

Favorite Books:
Brown Bear, and his Animal Books

His favorite songs are:
"Clean up" "Twinkle twinkle Little Star" "ABC's"  "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and some Butterfly song from school etc

His favorite movies are:
Karate Doggie AKA "Arate Doggie" and How to Train Your Dragon AKA "Dragon Movie"

Favorite Foods: 
Yogurt "Ogurt" , Spaghetti "Agetti", Oranges, Bananas, Waffles, Bagels, Animal Crackers and Pnut butter AKA "butter butter" 

Favorite Drink:

Favorite Toys:
Hands down favorite toys are his Animals, His pull toy/dog which he has named "Carlos" (add to sentences: "come on Carlos!") ,Firetruck, Any Ball and the list goes on!

Logan can name 20+ animals and tell you what sound they make and what color they are! (Have I mentioned how much he loves animals) Which obviously means by far his favorite place to be is the ZOO!!
Oddly enough his family animal was the "Yak" but now he has become attached to his Elephant, Zebra, and Giraffe
Logan can tell you what color objects (consisting of blue, green, red, orange, purple, white, pink, brown yellow and black) are but tends to get Yellow and Orange confused.
He can count to 10 but seems to love counting 5-9!
He likes cuddling with blankets but refuses to let you put a blanket "on" him.
He is in a new phase where everything is "ouch" or if the dogs lick him and tattles and says "bailey bit me"
He is learning possessive terms "Mommy's Keys" "Logan's cup" "Daddy's shoes"
He will now "Cheeeese" anytime he sees a camera
When he gets really impatient or excited about something he will still use sign language such as "more" and "please"
When its time for bed he will point the his glider and say "rock"
He can list all the kids and teachers in his class and still talks about them on the weekend.
When pulling into the driveway Logan routinely says "We're home!" 
He can show you his "cute face" and "sad face" 
He has a strange fascination for shoes
He will point out "mommy's car" "daddy's truck" 
He still only sits long enough to eat dinner or watch an episode of Diego or Elmo 
His teachers continuously remind us he is "Very Active", very verbal, and LOVES learning
He will pick up his phone on a daily basis to call Riley or Amy and will carry on the same conversation everytime...."Hi Amy/Riley......what doin?....playin animals....ok bye"
He gets his feelings hurt with "time out" but trust me it hurts me more than him!
His legs are a size 2T but his waist could probably still fit in 6 months!!
He will shake his cup and tell you "empty" when he needs a refill.
He says "please" and "thank you" without being told to do so!
When asking him a question he now responds with "huh?"
If he sees a man with a beard he is automatically "uncle chris" 
If he sees a bald man he will occasionally get confused and think its "daddy"
He tries to climb on EVERYTHING now and immediately after tries to jump off of whatever he has climbed.
It still surprises me that it was so easy to wean him for the passy because EVERYTHING still goes in his mouth!
He LOVES babies! 
He is fascinated with facial features and loves to point out "Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Ears, Earrings, etc"
He loves to know where Tyson and Bailey are at all times and will do role call throughout the night
Brushing his teeth can be a task!
He has only had Well Checks at the Doctor since his One Year Check Up!!! (No sick visits!!!)
He has learned to stall and work daddy when he doesn't want to go to bed.
When you tell him its time for night night he says "no!"
He now has to be woken up on the weekdays for school and sleeps till 9am on the weekends!!!!
He has a new fascination with stickers! 
He talks nonstop and I can understand 75% of it
There is no such thing as misdirection....he remembers everything now!!!
He will repeat everything like a parrot!
I think his adorable smile and big blue eyes may be able to get him out of ANYTHING!!!

An example of a combination of the above stated:
While watching the "Dragon Movie" Logan climbs up on the Ottoman. When I state "Logan get down" he turns and says "HUH?" and then proceeds to give me his cute face! 
Can you say PERSONALITY!!! 

I'm sure I could type for hours on everything he is doing but I wanted to write down the highlights to have a reference for months down the road!

He continues to amaze me EVERYDAY! There is no way to keep up with how much he is learning, saying, and doing on a daily basis. He is very inquisitive and thrives on learning new things! He would rather sit down and learn new words, colors, or numbers than do any other kind of "play" Sometimes I sit and try to pinpoint when he transitioned from a baby into the little boy!!!!  It truly makes you realize how much you can miss in a short period of time and how fast they really do grow! He is such a little person with feelings/emotions. Everyday he strives to find his independence but embraces the comfort of mommy or daddy! There is no other feeling in the World like being a parent!