Wednesday, June 15, 2011

One Proud Momma!

This is my blogspot so im allowed to brag all I want right???

Well everyday Logan amazes me. He is signing with us to communicate and it is the most amazing thing. His frist REAL sign was "PLEASE" AKA "PEEEES" far as im concerned this kid will get anything he wants if he signs "Please." It is the most precious thing EVER!
As of right now he is able to sign:
Please, More, Eat, Drink, Baby, Bath, and All gone.
At first he was just mimicking, but now he is able to associate them with an outcome. For example the other night he went over to the refridgerator and pointed at it and signed "please."  I opened the door and asked him if he wanted to "Eat" or "Drink" and he singed "Drink."  I handed him his sippy cup and he took it contently and was on his happy way! (We are working on "Thank You")
It is the most amazing thing to watch him discover he can communicate, not to mention so helpful to us to know what he wants instead of crying and whining!
If your wondering: "why not just teach him to talk?" thats a good question. As he is signing he is also learning to say the words all though alot of words right now are babble. So an answer to your question is babies develop their fine/gross motor skills, which are used for signing, before they develop the ability to talk.
Before we put him down for bed he watches "My First Signs" by Baby Einstein. He just lights up and gets all giddy when it turns on and he sees Marley (the lady that signs with the show). Our daycare also helps to enforce his learning which is amazing as well!
Like I said....One PROUD momma!

Attached is a video of when Logan first learned to sign "more" a couple months ago (The beginning is just clapping but you can see at the end when he actually signs). Here he is just mimicking us but now he actually knows the meaning and will sign "more" when he wants more of something (usually food or drink)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Everyday I am AMAZED

It seems like ever since Logan turned one he is no longer my little baby. Everyday he amazes me with what he learns and picks up on. He is gradually weaning himself off breastfeeding which is totally bittersweet. Its nice to gradually gain back time in my day. (There was nothing bittersweet about deciding to stop pumping after his birthday....totally SWEET....good riddens....sooo time consuming not to mention so inconvienent having to sit in my car for 20 minutes during my lunch break!) Needless to say it will not be missed. However as Logan day by day proves he doesn't need me for his nutrition and gradually prefers his sippy cups I am once again reminded he is no longer a baby. Although I catch myself saddened by him growing so fast im overwhelmed with the little boy he is becoming. I find myself holding him in my arms just staring at his peaceful face wondering what the years will bring and what kind of man he will become, however,  at the same time i'm hoping and wishing time will stand still and I can hold him in my arms forever and protect him from everything!
Everyday I am AMAZED